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P4L Helps You Get Back On Your Feet

August 5, 2019 |

Why is P4L doing a virtual race with teroGO?

Perform for Life partners with teroGO to support Back on My Feet in a virtual race. Learn more here!

Die erste Ausgabe von Unlock for Lives der Perform For Life Run Lab started with a goal to become a hub for San Francisco runners. Our mission: To empower runners by reducing the risk of injury and improving performance. Over the past 7 months, we have grown and reached so many runners looking to improve their game and prolong their ability to do what they love.

As a result, our community has grown and allowed us to partner with some amazing races and organizations. To now be able to partner with teroGO and be able to directly engage with the community and have them engage with us at the same time is an awesome experience that was too good to pass up. 

What are the benefits of a virtual race for P4L?


We want to challenge runners to step out of their comfort zone, create new limits and reach higher goals. What better way to do that than with a fun competition that allows a community to interact with each other?! We chose to partner with Back on My Feet for this virtual race. Back On My Feet also recognizes the power of the running community and uses it to combat homelessness in 13 major cities, including San Francisco.

Not only are we helping to give back to our community by doing this virtual race, but we’re also allowing our runners who we work with daily to be able to do the same thing. We also hope that through this, we can extend our reach in the Bay Area and connect with more people who have not heard about us and how we can help them. 

“Day by day, we get better and better, until we can’t be beat” -Anonymous


Want to support Back on My Feet by getting involved in this virtual race? Learn more here!


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