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Launch your employee wellbeing and engagement program

Keep your team productive, connected, and motivated thanks to our customized year-round virtual employee wellbeing and engagement program.

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We're here for you

Increase employee retention & attract top talent

Create a strong & inclusive company culture

Engage employees to increase motivation & performance

Integrate your ESG and CSR strategies

Wie funktioniert es?

1. Improve holistic wellbeing at work

Customize your wellbeing program to match your priorities – be it physical and mental health, sustainability, social impact, or a mix of all for holistic wellbeing!

Need inspiration? Take a look at our holistic wellbeing calendar.

Physical wellbeing for a healthy body

Promote physical health and team cohesion through friendly fitness competitions and inclusive activities.

Mental wellbeing for a clear mind

Provide space and innovative initiatives for employee self-care.

Social impact for the wellbeing of others and ourselves

Cultivate a purpose-driven organization where work serves a greater mission.

Sustainability for a healthy environment

Foster eco-awareness and sustainable habits at work… and at home.

employee engagement on the atlasGO wellbeing platform bis

2. Engage your employees

Boost team motivation and productivity with our innovative engagement Funktionen. Create a collaborative and supportive work environment tailored to your needs.

  • Gamification: Fuel team engagement with leaderboards, achievements, and virtual high-fives.
  • Team building Challenges: Foster unity with custom challenges year-round.
  • Visibility & branding: Build your brand image as an employer of choice. 
  • Communication & on demand content: Share knowledge and inspire your staff through several integrated communication channels.

3. Easily manage and measure success

Our dedicated team will offer constant support, and you can easily monitor and assess your program’s success with just the click of a button.

Dashboard and Customer success management team for atlasGO wellbeing platform for virtual challenges

They trust us, are you next?

atlasGO helps us on a daily basis to think of others by becoming one with our team…it’s magic! Thank you atlasGO!

Gatien Laloux


The Challenge brought people together in a way that hadn’t been possible for a long time because of the virus. We wouldn’t have believed this achievable with a virtual edition of the event

Julia Davenport

Group Reward Director

Our main idea was to allow all employees around the world to participate in this year’s sports challenge. To promote a healthy lifestyle, to build a global community and make a positive impact!

Adrian Sommer

Head Of Sales Operations

At Securex, it's always a pleasure to have atlasGO by our side to strengthen the well-being & engagement of our employees while supporting a good cause!

Gaelle Houyoux

CSR Expert

atlasGO has turned every step into a charitable action at Thomas & Piron.

Vanessa Orban

Community Manager

I have rarely seen such enthusiasm and so many employees come together for the same cause, especially when it comes to moving and spending time on healthy habits.

Thibaut Debelle

Innovations Manager

atlasGO simplifies your start

1. Buche eine Demo

Tell us about your goals, our experts will guide you through the platform, and determine the best solution for you.

2. Mach dich bereit

Your Customer Success Manager will guide you, set up your program and help get your team excited!

3. Launch

Provide your team with a unique code for registration, track success using reports, and measure results.

Let's get moving together!

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Get a 15 minute live demo

Get your corporate challenge or employee wellbeing program live and empower your team’s wellness journey.
