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Looking for an impactful job with atlasGO verbindest?

Join our team of changemakers!

Job Openings

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There are no job openings at this time

Be healthy. Do good.

GO together!

• Join a growing startup with strong team values!

• Work for a social business (B-Corp) and make an impact

• Take initiative and be part of a result-driven work environment

• Learn from passionate managers and lead with independence

• Grow with the team professionally and as an individual

atlasGO team

Employee Testimonials

atlasGO employee

"The team culture here is my favorite part of atlasGO. Never had a team so caring and passionate about what they do. From the calming meditations we have before our meetings, to the cool songs and dances we do at the end, the team is what keeps me motivated and happy every day."


Business Development Sales Consultant

atlasGO employee

"What do I love about working at atlasGO? The flexibility, creativity, diversity in projects, and the possibility to take on new and challenging opportunities."


Product & Customer Success Manager

atlasGO employee

"I love the thrill of learning and building, and the art of listening and connection when working interpersonally. I feel incredibly blessed to be able to work with a company that is making a difference both for people’s health and for causes I believe in!"



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Get your corporate challenge or employee wellbeing program live and empower your team’s wellness journey.
