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4 original Plastic Free July workplace ideas

Mai 4, 2023 |

Plastic pollution is a growing concern for our planet, and many organizations are now taking steps to reduce their environmental impact. As an HR, CSR or Sustainability professional, it’s likely that you have been tasked by management to come up with ideas to promote sustainable practices at work. As with every big challenge we face, we need to start with making a small step. With these Plastic Free July workplace ideas, encourage employees to reduce their plastic use at work and at home. It’s a great way to raise awareness and to start making an impact. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with three to four ideas to create engagement around Plastic Free July, to create engagement around this event and make it a success.


1. Communicate the purpose of the event

The first step to create engagement around Plastic Free July is to communicate the purpose of the event to your employees. Make sure to explain why it’s important to reduce plastic use and the impact it has on the environment. You could create a short video or presentation to explain the key concepts and show examples of plastic pollution. This will help employees understand the importance of the event and motivate them to participate.


2. Organize a “Plastic Free July” Challenge

To create excitement and engagement around the event, you can organize a “Plastic Free July” challenge for employees. This challenge can include small activities that employees can do during the week, such as using a reusable water bottle instead of disposable plastic bottles, bringing their own reusable coffee mug instead of using disposable cups, or bringing their own reusable bags instead of using plastic bags. You can create a leaderboard to keep track of who is participating in the challenge and offer small rewards for those who are successful. With the teroGO app, implementing such a Nachhaltigkeit challenge company wide is easy, cost-efficient, engaging and fun. Reach out to us for a 15-minute demonstration to learn how we help you to reach your goals!


3. Host a “Green” Lunch

Another way to create engagement around Plastic Free July is to host a “green” lunch for employees, maybe even to announce your teroGO Challenge. This can include providing employees with a plant-based meal and using biodegradable or reusable plates, cups, and cutlery. During the lunch, you can also have a speaker or host a panel discussion to educate employees about the importance of reducing plastic use and how they can make a difference. This will help create a sense of community around your teroGO Challenge and motivate employees to continue reducing their plastic use even after the event is over.


4. Provide Resources and Support

Finally, to create engagement around Plastic Free July, it’s important to provide employees with the necessary resources and support. This can include providing employees with a list of tips for reducing plastic use, sharing resources such as reusable water bottles or coffee mugs, and providing information on how to properly recycle or dispose of plastic products. On teroGO, you can share resources and encourage employees to share tips, ask questions, and support each other during the week.

In conclusion, organizing Plastic Free July at work is a great initiative to encourage employees to reduce their plastic use and create a more sustainable workplace. By communicating the purpose of the event, organizing a “Plastic Free July” challenge on teroGO, hosting a green lunch, and providing resources and support, you can create engagement around the event and motivate employees to take action. We at teroGO are happy to support you in making sustainability a priority, reach out to us if you have any questions or book a demo to see teroGO in action!


Written by Olivier Kaeser


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