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teroGO Privacy Policy


LAST UPDATED: April 29, 2024


teroGO is committed to protecting your privacy. We created this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) to give you confidence as you visit and use the teroGO website and mobile application, and any other related services provided by us (collectively, the “Service”). This Policy covers how we collect, use, store, and share your information which on its own, or in combination with other information, may be used to identify you as an individual (“Personal Data”). This Policy has been updated to comply with the requirements of a new data privacy law known as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). The provisions of our Terms of Use ( apply to this Policy as well. All references to “we”, “us”, “our”, or “teroGO” refer to atlasGO SA, a Belgian Societe Anonyme. All references to “you”, “your”, or “user” refers to the end-user of the Service. Do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions or want to discuss this Policy.

Where we are acting as a controller of your Personal Data, by using the Service and agreeing to this Policy, you consent to the privacy practices described in this Policy. And, additionally, you consent to the use of your Personal Data by the organisations who organise and support the teroGO challenge(s) or ongoing programs that you participate in (“Partners”), as described in this Policy. Where we are acting as a processor of a Partner, we will process your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the Partner’s Privacy Policy and under the instructions of the Partner.


Uppgifter som du frivilligt lämnar till oss..

When you sign up for an account through the Service, you will be required to provide us with various Personal Data. Specifically, when you sign up for the Service, we collect your name and email address, and you will be required to create a username and password. In addition, as you use the Service, you may choose to provide additional Personal Data, including access to your camera, photos, and videos. Further, the Service allows you to post content on the Service through functions such as chat and comments and we collect this information, which can be considered Personal Data. You may provide the foregoing Personal Data and information by entering it into the Service, or through a third-party service. While the information described here is provided to us only with your permission, some aspects of the Service may not be available if you choose not to provide us with such information and Personal Data.

We do not knowingly collect or maintain Personal Data from anyone under the age of 16. Any person who provides Personal Data through the Service represents to us that they are 16 years of age or older. If we learn that Personal Data has been collected from a user under 16 years of age on or through the Service, then we will take the appropriate steps to delete this information. 

Information som vi samlar in automatiskt när du använder Tjänsten.

Utöver de uppgifter du frivilligt lämnar till oss, när du registrerar dig för Tjänsten och använder Tjänsten, samlar vi automatiskt in din IP-adress och geografiska plats medan applikationen körs på din enhet. Eventuellt kan du begränsa hämtningen i inställningarna på din enhet. Precis som med den frivilligt tillhandahållna informationen som beskrivs ovan kanske vissa delar av Tjänsten inte är tillgänglig om du väljer att inte förse oss med sådan information och Personuppgifter.


After you have created an account, we use cookies to remember you as a user of the Service and to streamline the functionality of the Service. These are first party cookies, not third-party cookies, meaning that the cookies are only used to track your activity on the Service, and not on third party sites or services.

Andra anonyma uppgifter som vi samlar in.

När du använder och besöker Tjänsten kan vi även använda tjänster från tredje part, t.ex. Google Analytics, som använder cookies för att samla in allmän, anonym information som inte identifierar dig. Vi använder denna information för att bättre förstå hur användarna interagerar med Tjänsten och för att förbättra din användarupplevelse när du använder Tjänsten. För att välja bort Google Analytics cookies, besök

Do Not Track-signaler.

I den mån vi får några Do-Not-Track-signaler kommer vi inte att följa dem.


In furtherance of these purposes, we use the Personal Data described above primarily for providing you with the core aspects of the Service. The legal bases for us to process your Personal Data to provide the core aspects of the Services, where we are acting as controller of your Personal Data, are as follows: (a) first and foremost, you provided your consent by agreeing to this Policy, which you may withdraw at any time by emailing us at; (b) the processing is necessary for our contractual relationship with you (in other words, to provide the Service to you that we have agreed to provide, we need to process your Personal Data); (c) the processing is necessary for us to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations; and (d) the processing is in our legitimate interest as a provider of the Services (for example, to protect the security and integrity of our systems and to provide you with customer service and the core functionality of the Service). 

However, we also use the Personal Data to send you information about teroGO and the Service. When creating your teroGO profile, you have the option to consent to us sending you the teroGO newsletter or to otherwise contact you about promotions, updates, and features of the Service. 

Ett annat syfte för vilket vi samlar in och använder dina personuppgifter är att tillhandahålla en tjänst till våra Partners. Om vi fungerar som personuppgiftsbiträde för sådana Partners kommer vi att behandla dina Personuppgifter (inklusive att dela dina Personuppgifter med dem), enligt vad som anges i Partnerns Integritetspolicy eller på annat sätt enligt anvisningar från Partnern. I vissa fall kan vi komma att samla in samtycke till sådan behandling för den personuppgiftsansvariges räkning om vår Partner begär detta och ditt samtycke till denna Policy fungerar som ett sådant medgivande.

We may provide Partners with metrics and analytics associated with a challenge or ongoing program that Partners are supporting, such as participation in a challenge or ongoing program, success of a challenge or ongoing program, and other related information and to provide Partners with your Personal Data to contact you.


Information som delas av dig via Tjänsten.

Du kan nu eller i framtiden välja att frivilligt dela Personuppgifter som samlats in via Tjänsten, till offentliga forum på Tjänsten, via e-post eller via tredjepartsplattformar på sociala medier.

In particular, you may also choose to voluntarily share photos or other similar materials through the Service. We or the Partners who are involved with the challenge(s) or ongoing program that you are participating in may use, copy, modify, share, publish, or redistribute, such materials for promotional or for other similar purposes.

Vår personal.

För att kunna tillhandahålla Tjänsten till dig och förbättra Tjänstens funktioner kan vi komma att lämna ut dina Personuppgifter till vår personal, inklusive våra anställda, uppdragstagare och ombud, i den utsträckning sådana personer eller enheter har ett behov av att känna till informationen i syfte att vidareutveckla Tjänsten.

Våra leverantörer.

Vi samarbetar med tredjepartsoperatörer för att tillhandahålla webbtjänster, applikationsutveckling, hosting, underhåll, databearbetning, kundtjänst, betalningshantering och andra tjänster i syfte att vidareutveckla Tjänsten. En lista över våra leverantörer finns på These third parties (who are data subprocessors for the purposes of GDPR) may have access to or process your Personal Data as part of providing those services for us. However, we limit the information provided to these service providers to that which is reasonably necessary for them to perform their functions and we have contracts in place with such vendors in line with the Article 28 requirements of GDPR, pursuant to which they are required, amongst other things, to maintain the confidentiality of the Personal Data to the extent required by GDPR. 

Organisations such as Corporations, Companies, Charities, Mission-Driven Businesses, and Company Donors (Our Partners).

A core aspect of the Service is that our Partners may have access to Personal Data for the purposes described above. Namely, our Partners may have access to your Personal Data for the purposes of (1) receiving all data metrics and analytics associated with a challenge or ongoing program that a Partner is organising and monitoring, (2) for providing Partners with your Personal Data to contact you about calls to action and, if applicable, their products and services, and, (3) for our Partners to use your Personal Data for their own marketing and promotional purposes, and (4) for purposes of notifying you of the tax deductibility of payments made through the Service (when applicable). As such, we may share your Personal Data with our Partners who support campaigns on the Service or who benefit from campaigns on the Service.

Försäljning av företag eller tillgångar.

I händelse av att vi säljer hela eller väsentligen hela vårt företag eller dess tillgångar, inklusive de Personuppgifter som samlas in via vår Tjänst, kan vi komma att överföra din information till det förvärvande företaget. Vi kommer dock att meddela dig innan vi gör det.

Andra tredje parter.

In addition to our practices described above, we may share your Personal Data if we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to (1) comply with the law (see the section below on “Government Requests”), (2) protect and defend the rights or property of teroGO, or (3) prevent an emergency involving danger of death or serious physical injury to any person. We will only share your Personal Data for the foregoing reasons to the extent permitted by GDPR.


Varaktighet för lagring av dina personuppgifter.

We will store your Personal Data for as long as it is needed to provide the Service, however, we may not know if you have stopped using the Service, so we encourage you to contact us if you are no longer using the Service. However, if required by applicable law, we may retain your Personal Data for such period as may be required by such law. To continue to provide an effective service, we may store non-Personal Data perpetually and may anonymize your Personal Data and store that anonymized information perpetually.

Dessutom använder vi, såsom beskrivs i denna Policy, tredje parter för att tillhandahålla tjänsten. Vi kommer att säkerställa att sådana tredje parter raderar eller ändrar dina Personuppgifter i den utsträckning som krävs enligt GDPR och EU-kommissionens modellavtal för överföring av personuppgifter till tredje länder (dvs. standardavtalsklausulerna i enlighet med beslut 2010/87/EU) ("SCC:erna").


We use reasonable efforts to secure your Personal Data and to prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information that we obtain from you. For example, we require our personnel and third-party vendors to sign confidentiality agreements that extend to your Personal Data, and we review the privacy practices of new products and services that we integrate into our Service. In addition, we use reasonable technical safeguards such as encryption and secure hosting provided by industry leading third party vendors, to secure your Personal Data. However, loss, misuse, and alteration may occur despite our efforts to protect your Personal Data. We are not responsible to our users or to any third party due to any such loss, misuse, or alteration, except to the extent required by GDPR, the SCCs, or other applicable law.


Du kan ändra vissa av dina Personuppgifter via de kontoinställningar som tillhandahålls i Tjänsten. Om du vill få tillgång till, få en kopia av, ändra eller radera de Personuppgifter vi har om dig kan du kontakta oss såsom beskrivs i slutet av denna Policy. Dessutom uppmanar vi dig att kontakta våra Partners för att få tillgång till, få en kopia av, ändra eller radera Personuppgifterna, och vi samtycker till att samarbeta med våra Partners i god tro för att hjälpa dig med din begäran.

Du kan återkalla det samtycke som beviljas i denna Policy för oss eller våra partners att använda de Personuppgifter som beskrivs i denna Policy genom att kontakta oss såsom beskrivs i slutet av denna Policy. Observera att om du gör det kommer det inte att påverka den juridiska rätten att använda dina Personuppgifter baserat på ditt föregående samtycke. To the extent a Partner is the controller of your Personal Data, please contact such Partner to exercise your rights, including your right to withdraw your consent. 

If you receive commercial email from us, you may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions contained within the email. You may also opt-out from receiving commercial email from us, and any other promotional communications that we may send to you from time to time, by contacting us as described at the end of this Policy. Please be aware that if you opt-out of receiving commercial email from us or otherwise modify the nature or frequency of promotional communications you receive from us, even after you opt-out from receiving commercial messages from us, you may continue to receive administrative messages from us regarding the Service.

När vi mottar något av ovanstående begäranden kommer eventuella ändringar som du begär att återspeglas i våra databaser i den utsträckning som krävs enligt GDPR, SCC eller annan tillämplig lag och vi kommer att bekräfta ändringarna till dig.

Om du inte är nöjd med hur vi har försökt att lösa ditt ärende kan du kontakta relevant dataskyddsmyndighet.


Ibland kan vi få begäran från myndigheter om att få information om våra användare. När vi hanterar sådana förfrågningar från myndigheter värdesätter vi integriteten för dina personuppgifter, men vi kan lämna över din information i enlighet med sådana förfrågningar om vi anser att en sådan åtgärd är motiverad. När vi besvarar en begäran från en myndighet kommer vi (1) att vidta kommersiellt skäliga åtgärder för att begränsa omfattningen av en myndighets begäran om data, (2) endast lämna ut sådana uppgifter till myndigheten om vi i samråd med vår advokat bedömer att vi är skyldiga att göra det enligt lag och (3) i förväg informera användarna om att vi har rätt att lämna ut deras uppgifter i den utsträckning som vi skäligen anser att vi har tillåtelse enligt lag att meddela detta.


Our Service utilizes numerous third-party services as part of the functionality of the Service. We may share your Personal Data with third parties as explained in this Policy. We have no control over such third parties, except to the extent required by GDPR and the SCCs. We encourage you to review the privacy practices of such third parties. We make no guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the information, services, or data/privacy practices of third parties, except to the extent required by GDPR and the SCCs.


Information som samlas in inom EES kan överföras, lagras och behandlas av oss eller tredje part (enligt vad som anges i denna Policy) i USA och andra länder vars dataskyddslagar kan skilja sig från de lagar som gäller i ditt land. När vi överför dina Personuppgifter utanför EES säkerställer vi en liknande skyddsnivå genom att ingå SCC med relevant tredje part.

Please contact us at if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your Personal Data out of the EEA.

I enlighet med vad som anges i denna Policy kan vi komma att dela Personuppgifter med tredje part och kan vara tvungna att lämna ut information på juridisk begäran av statliga myndigheter, inklusive för att uppfylla säkerhets- eller brottsbekämpande krav.


teroGO reserves the right to change this Policy from time to time, with or without notice to you, except to the extent required by GDPR. If you continue to use the Service, you consent to the new Policy. We will always have the latest Policy posted on the Service.


If you have any questions or comments about this Policy or our Service or if you wish to access, receive a copy of, change or delete your Personal Data, please feel free to contact us by email at, or by mailing us at the following address:

AtlasGO (SA)

Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur 15/23

1050 Ixelle, Belgium


Finally, we have appointed a Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) as well as local representation in both the EU and the UK. Our DPO and local representative can be contacted as follows: 



AtlasGO SA
ATTN: Data Protection Officer
Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur 15/23
1050 Ixelles, Belgium


UK Representative
GDPR Local Ltd
Adam Brogden
Tel +44 1772 217 800

UK address:
GDPR Local Ltd 1st Floor Front Suite 27-29 North Street, Brighton England BN1 1EB


EU – Ireland Representative
Instant EU GDPR Representative Ltd
Adam Brogden
Tel: + 353 15 549 700

EU Dublin Address:
Instant EU GDPR Representative Ltd Office 1 12A Lower Main Street, Lucan Co. Dublin K78 X5P8

This website stores cookies on your computer. These cookies are used to collect information about how you interact with our website and allows us to remember you. We use this information in order to improve and customize your browsing experience and for analytics and metrics about our visitors both on this website and other media. To find out more about the cookies we use, please see our Privacy Policy.

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