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My quarantine workout routine

maj 5, 2020 |

My name is Christine Nazareno, fitness and pilates instructor and teroGO ambassador. I have designed a workout routine for you to do at home, without any equipment. In these times of isolation, it is even more important to take care of our health, connect virtually with sweaty changemakers worldwide, and make a positive impact on our beautiful planet! Because some of us are unable to go outside, working out at home is a great way to keep our mind and body healthy.

To help cope with these strange times and keep yourself active, this workout is made of 5 different sections, each including 3 modifications. There are two ways to do it:

1. Do 15-20 repetitions of each exercise

2. Choose two different exercises and alternate 35-40 seconds of exercise and 15 seconds break. You should repeat this process for 4 minutes straight.

fitness instructor girl wearing a grey sweater

If you are doing another workout, you can add a few of these moves as well or select different moves from this routine for a full workout.

Enjoy, stay healthy, and remember that you can plant some trees while you are working out.

As you take on this challenge, don’t forget to share your photos and videos with me. Find me on Instagram as @cpt_christine, and remember to also tag @tero_go.

Check out the video with all the exercises and modifications.

Girl in a gym in workout clothes sitting in a box

Part 1: Push-up Variations

1.1 Regular pushups 1.2 Pushups on your knees 1.3 Tricep pushups

Part 2: Legs

2.1 Curtsy squats 2.2 Forward lunges 2.3 Reverse lunges

Part 3: Planks

3.1 Down & Up planks 3.2 Shoulder taps 3.3 Plank to down dog with ankle reach

Part 4: HIIT

4.1 Triple squat pulses 4.2 Sprinter lunge jumps 4.3 Side skaters

Part 5: Glutes

5.1 Donkey kicks 5.2 Butt lifts 5.3 Side leg circles forward and backward

Christine Nazareno 

teroGO ambassador

Instagram: @cpt_christine

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