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Dog Chef’s teroGO Challenge: When purpose meets employee engagement

januari 4, 2023 |

Dog Chef joined forces with teroGO for an employee wellbeing challenge that supported our furry friends!

Hand in Paw for Animal Welfare

Dog Chef was created in 2017 out of the belief that man’s best friends are entitled to high-quality food for their health and wellness. Since then, Dog Chef has quickly grown and now produces food that feeds tens of thousands of happy dogs daily. 

For their teroGO challenge Hand in Paw for Animal Welfare, Dog Chef’s goal was to bring their employees together for four consecutive weeks to complete wellness-based activities. Doing so would unlock a company donation to the nonprofit organization The Blue Cross of Belgium.

The Blue Cross of Belgium

The Blue Cross of Belgium aims to ensure the protection and wellbeing of animals, fight cruelty, and create the obligation of respect that is due to them. With a goal to fight for the protection of nature and the animal world, they regularly educate the public regarding animal welfare.

Did you know?

• Every 60 seconds, one animal suffers abuse.

Close to 65% of all abused animals are dogs.

More than 115 million animals are used for laboratory experiments yearly.

Engaging employees for good

Dog Chef brought employees together to complete activities that supported their wellbeing in order to unlock the company’s donation to the Blue Cross of Belgium. 

Some of the many activities employees could choose from included running, meditating, picking up trash, going vegetarian for a day, and even taking cute selfies with their pets. Upon completion of each activity, employees would unlock a paw emoji 🐾. Each one contributed to the overall challenge goal!

Dog Chef’s goal was for employees to unlock a total of 2,000 paw emojis. With the enthusiasm and participation from 71 members of their team, they exceeded expectations! Dog Chef’s employees raised 2,272 paws towards the challenge goal, unlocking their donation to the Blue Cross of Belgium with ease. That’s 114% of their initial goal!

The activities Dog Chef chose to engage their employees around, such as exercise and meditation, have many scientifically proven health benefits. For example, among an array of other benefits, exercising boosts oxygen circulation inside your body, allowing it to function better and use energy more efficiently. Meditation, on the other hand, has been shown to “elicit positive emotions, minimize negative affect and rumination, and enable effective emotion regulation.”

The teroGO experience

From the intuitive and easy-to-use platform to the ability to engage employees for a charitable purpose, the Dog Chef team was very satisfied with their entire teroGO experience. Specifically, the Dog Chef team felt having an underlying charitable purpose for their challenge gave meaning to it and helped garner commitment from the participants. 

Florence Van den Berghe, HR Manager at Dog Chef, described the challenge simply as this, “When purpose meets engagement.”

If you’re looking for a custom company engagement solution, reach out for a free consultation today.

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