Walking into week 6, I wanted to share with you my “Stay at home- Stay fit” campaign.
Although I have been in lockdown for a month and a half now, I have managed to keep myself busy and motivated, thanks to a few simple tips.
My name is Caroline Dressel. I’m a sport’s lawyer and teroGO ambassador. All the way from Europe – Germany – I sweat on a daily basis with teroGO. Even though we are under social distancing measures, it doesn’t mean I will stop doing fitness for good!
In my “Stay at home – Stay fit” challenge, I transformed 5 everyday activities into fun sports challenges. Are you up for a challenge and join me?
As you do so, you may reproduce the exercises proposed here or, you can create your own reflecting your regular habits. It could be anything! From brushing your teeth while doing squats to cleaning the house with salsa moves. And don’t forget that while you are working out, you can plant some trees!
In the morning, I like to start my day reading a book.
For this “Stay at home-Stay fit” challenge, I decided to read in a plank position. Engaging the core with a bright smile and a pleasant book. I take breaks between the pages, as needed.
As the day goes by, I enjoy watching TV in the living room to get ahead of today’s news, but since I love challenges, I’d rather sit on the ground and start doing abs instead of just chilling on the couch.
Remember that you can go on the teroGO app to plant some trees while you are doing those exercises!
Because some restaurants and cafes are closed, most of us have been cooking more than usual.
I took this opportunity to create my cooking workout, standing on high heels and down until the meal is ready. This exercise is great for engaging my legs.
At the end of the day, I like to enjoy a nice cup of tea, so while I wait for the water to heat up on the stove and my tea to set, I love grabbing one cup in each hand and exercise my arms. To make this exercise a little be harder, I pour tea in the cup, making this exercise more challenging and more fun.
Even though all these challenges are some sorts of physical activities, I also need proper training. Every day I take some time to hike, run or walk and plant trees with teroGO. I’m taking advantage of the extra time that I have and getting ready for next year’s Berlin marathon.
Take on this challenge and keep your mind and body healthy. Don’t hesitate to share your photos with me. Find me on Instagram as @linedressel, and remember to also tag @tero_go.
Caroline Dressel
teroGO ambassador
Instagram: @linedressel
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