Employees of many companies spend a lot of time at their workplaces, considering the office almost like a second place to live. That is why it is vital to understand what amenities should be in the office for comfortable and fruitful work. When organizing office space, you need to consider some recommendations discussed in this article.
Why is it important?
Office amenities directly affect the level of happiness and the health of employees at the workplace. Today it isn’t easy to imagine a successful company that does not care about the health of its employees. And it’s not just about the usual voluntary health insurance – modern companies are actively implementing wellness programs and ensuring the well-being of employees, making it an integral part of their corporate culture. This is made possible by a platform like atlasGO, which connects people for positive outcomes and well-being, and helps corporations improve employee health, engagement, and culture.
Sport and health
Specialists write a lot about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. A lot of research has been done proving that working with minimal movement causes damage to a person’s physical and psychological state. Scientists from Leicester and Loughborough universities in the UK claim the problem, reminding us that we must move, train, play sports so that blood circulates better.
A gym should be created in the office, with the necessary equipment barbells, dumbbells for strength, and cardio training to maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Silent areas
The workspace layout does not always allow you to find a quiet corner, especially if you have open space. The problem is solved as follows: soundproof booths are placed in the room, designed for individual remote negotiations if the area allows creating a whole room of “silence.” In such spaces, you can set a rule to prohibit communication. This makes it possible to work productively and think without distracting any sounds, including conversations.
Plants in the workplace
It is best to allow each employee to adapt to the workplace just for themselves. The company can purchase tables with adjustable height and fit-balls to do this. Plants are also significant. Research by scientists from Cardiff University has shown that having plants in the office increases productivity by 15% and reduces stress and tension.
You can use walls made of living plants with a special water supply system and grow lights for landscaping. A team of florists who can help decorate an employee’s desk with a houseplant can monitor plant health.
Nutrition and clean water
First, start with the amenities that no office can do without – a coffee machine. Its presence in the office will not surprise anyone, but syrups can bring even more joy and taste. By the way, it is a mistake to think that breaks for a cup of fragrant drink disrupt the labor process.
Drinking water improves brain function. The lack of this fluid negatively affects the ability of a person to solve problems. For employees to make water as accessible as possible, they can be given a sports bottle with corporate symbols. It’s a simple solution.
In addition, to strike a balance between healthy and unhealthy food, you should buy fruits and vegetables for employees. Researchers have proven the positive impact of such products on mood, well-being, and productivity. Do not forget about the benefits for the body.
Reading promotes creativity, improves concentration, and reduces stress, and it’s also an excuse to talk. To encourage employees to read, create a corporate library. Ideally, any team member can order books when there is no suitable one.
Literary works can be scattered on the shelves of the entire office. It would be best to use the electronic database to see where everything is.
Final Words
In conclusion, you can still highlight motivating slogans. This is a plus for a good atmosphere. Make sure your company has them on all surfaces that can be written on. These are walls, mugs, stickers, notebooks, and other promotional products.
Place individual slogans in a frame and hang them on the walls. “Do what is Right,” or “If you can dream it, you can achieve it.” It motivates and makes happy without much financial investment.
Written by Josh Levinne.
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