All of us at teroGO are proud to announce our new community challenge that allows participants to plant trees, stay fit, and, most importantly, stay connected! The Fit for Trees Community Challenge partners us once again with One Tree Planted and a new sponsor, Boomhi, to take strides towards reforestation.
The Cause
This tree-planting endeavor has another benefit – to save orcas! More commonly known as the killer whale, the orca is native to the Pacific Northwest from the coast of British Columbia down to California.
We were devastated to realize that only 75 of these majestic creatures remain, which gains them a spot on the endangered species list.
You may be wondering how planting trees can help save these mammals. Replanting lost trees will help restore watersheds and bring back what feeds these magnificent animals.
The Chinook salmon is their primary source of nutrition, making up 80% of their nutritional profiles. The orcas and the Chinook salmon migrate together, and the salmon follow the flow of the rivers into the ocean, where the orcas are patiently waiting.
They need about 700 of these steely silverfish to feed the remaining 75 Southern Resident orcas in just one day! However, the number of Chinook salmon population has dramatically dwindled over the years due to over-logging, overfishing, pollution, and human-made constructions.
With your help, planting trees will repair and improve the situation and restore balance to the marine food chain.
The benefits of trees do not end here, of course, as they also help the land’s ecosystem. Areas ravaged by wildfires in the past year will also benefit from our Fit for Trees challenge. Trees are what we rely on for fresh air and are an invaluable resource.
About the Challenge
It’s easy to join in the cause to raise awareness for orcas and reforestation. Just download the teroGO app to participate in the Fit for Trees Community Challenge! Our goal is 50,000 trees planted, and we hope to reach that goal in a short time.
You can start by choosing from our list of impactful activities, including walking, hiking, meditation, yoga, gardening, running, and even picking up trash! Depending on the activity you choose, your time or distance converts into trees. All the time-based activities translate to 1 tree/hour while the distance-based activities vary.
We value your efforts, and you can share your progress with fellow sweaty changemakers around the world by uploading sweaty selfies and giving virtual high fives directly via our app.
Once you have planted more than five trees, you automatically qualify for our virtual raffle to win real-life prizes!
The best part about participating in a virtual race is flexibility. You can join in from anywhere in the world at your convenience and interact with people who share your passion and goal.
About One Tree Planted
One Tree Planted is a non-profit organization with a focus on the environment. They have taken it upon themselves to help reforestation efforts one tree at a time. All your donations are accepted and put towards planting and growing trees.
Trees are an essential foundation to all life on the planet with effects on air and water quality, biodiversity, the health of all living creatures, and the climate. One Tree Planted currently has projects going in North America, Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Every dollar you contribute can plant one tree!
One Tree Planted has brought trees’ importance into schools with their T.R.E.E.S. program, providing free lesson plans and resources for teachers and students.
Whether you are a business, individual, or educator, you can create your fundraiser and start planting! One Tree Planted also offers an ambassador program, which connects you with other passionate tree lovers and resources to begin your tree-planting initiative.
One Tree Planted also gives back for all their passionate followers’ efforts, and right now, they are offering the chance to win a trip to Costa Rica for university students for the experience of a lifetime!
Our Sponsor – Boomhi
Boomhi is a newcomer to the scene but has garnered many eco-warriors’ attention with their recycling initiative. Their goal is to “elevate the human mind & help restore Mother Earth,” as they elegantly put. Using recycled materials for their socks to better the environment and help reforestation efforts by sponsoring our Fit for Trees challenge with One Tree Planted.
Boomhi socks are antimicrobial, provide arch support, and are created with Elevated Mind Technology (EMT), which will invoke feelings of joy and positivity with the tactile patterns. They use reclaimed plastic bottles to make each pair of Boomhi socks, and a pair sold equals one tree planted!
All of us at teroGO are very excited and honored to work with such dedicated partners who are passionate and motivated to achieve 50,000 trees. The Fit for Trees challenge started on October 16th, so sign up while there is still time by downloading our app, picking your activity, and working toward the goal!
Get your own community engagement challenge published!
Written by Jess Lin.
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