Veuillez mettre à jour le formulaire pour corriger les erreurs et le renvoyer.
Nos quatre meilleurs conseils bien-être à mettre en œuvre dans votre entreprise ou votre équipe dès aujourd’hui!
Mobilisez vos collaborateurs en l'honneur du Mois de la sensibilisation à la santé mentale.
Learn how to keep employees motivated and healthy this summer
Test the basic functions of the teroGO mobile app with your colleagues.
Discover how Sisley planted over 78,000 trees with teroGO!
Customize the employee wellbeing program to align with your priorities – whether it’s developing physical and mental wellbeing, promoting sustainability and social impact, another focus area of your choice, or our favorite – a combination of them all for a holistic wellbeing approach!
Besoin d’inspiration ? Consultez notre Calendrier d’idées.
1 Promote physical health and foster friendly competition between teams with fitness-focused challenges and achievements, sports activities, and informative workout videos.
2 Promote physical health and foster friendly competition between teams with fitness-focused challenges and achievements, sports activities, and informative workout videos.
3 Promote physical health and foster friendly competition between teams with fitness-focused challenges and achievements, sports activities, and informative workout videos.
4 Promote physical health and foster friendly competition between teams with fitness-focused challenges and achievements, sports activities, and informative workout videos.
Découvrez nos top fonctionnalités d’engagement des collaborateurs.
L'un de nos experts vous aidera à lancer votre challenge en un rien de temps.
Customize the employee wellbeing program to align with your priorities – whether it’s developing physical and mental wellbeing, promoting sustainability and social impact, another focus area of your choice, or our favorite – a combination of them all for a holistic wellbeing approach!
Découvrez nos top fonctionnalités d’engagement des collaborateurs.
Lower burn out & increase employee happiness
Engage employee to increase motivation & performance
Créez une culture d'entreprise forte et inclusive
Engage employee to increase motivation & performance
Créez une culture d'entreprise forte et inclusive
Engage employee to increase motivation & performance
Increase employee retention & attract top talents
L'un de nos experts vous aidera à lancer votre challenge en un rien de temps.
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Get your corporate challenge or employee wellbeing program live and empower your team’s wellness journey.