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Volunteer day with LEJ Youth

April 25, 2018 |

As you know, giving back is at the core of who we are and what we do at teroGO. Last week, our team joined Bay Area B-corps on an awesome volunteer day with the Literacy for Environmental Justice (LEJ Youth).

Did you know volunteering improves employee morale and creates an overall better working environment?

Deloitte’s 2017 Volunteerism Survey reports, “89% of working Americans believe that companies that sponsor volunteer activities offer a better overall working environment than those that do not. In fact, 70 percent of respondents say that volunteer activities are more likely to boost employee morale than company-sponsored happy hours, and 77% say, “volunteering is essential to employee well-being.”

The chosen nonprofit we volunteered with, LEJ Youth’s mission, is to “promote ecological health, environmental stewardship, and community development in Southeast San Francisco by creating urban greening, eco-literacy, community stewardship and workforce development opportunities that directly engage and support local residents in securing a healthier future.”

It was great to meet other mission-driven companies during this volunteer day, get a day out of the office to connect with nature and give back to our community. Who doesn’t love an afternoon of Gardening! We spent it: pruning, raking, and weeding!

LEJ Youth has open to the public volunteer days on Saturdays, or contact them directly if you want to take your office there, definitely worth checking out!

Does your company want to launch a challenge with LEJ Youth? Contact me here:


Magali Mathieu 

Chief Partnership Builder & Co-founder, teroGO

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