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Get your employees moving for the planet, organize an Earth Month challenge!

teroGO and the Jane Goodall Institute join forces to offer you a unique opportunity to make an impact! Launch a teroGO challenge and plant trees with your team!

Make a difference this Earth Month…on our brand new app!

Build a healthy, unified team with a gamified corporate challenge. Employees simply record their daily activities in the teroGO app to unlock the trees, which will be planted by our reforestation partner, the Jane Goodall Institute.

Corporate challenge team-building pictures

But that’s not all! 

The challenge activities will make your employees aware of the ecological impact they have. They’ll be able to perform these different activities to contribute to your company’s challenge:

• Walk, run, bike,

• Meditate, yoga, volunteer,

• Cook veggie meals, plant a tree,

• and many more!

Bonus: expert content will be made available for your teams to improve their understanding of their environmental impact!

Let’s fight global warming together!

Earth Month is a perfect opportunity to mobilize and educate employees about the environment. Held every April, it raises awareness of sustainable development and takes action against global warming.

What is the Jane Goodall Institute?

The Jane Goodall Institute is a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. By protecting chimpanzees and inspiring people to conserve the natural world we all share, they improve the lives of people, animals and the environment. Everything is connected—everyone can make a difference.

“The future of the planet and humanity is in our hands.”  JANE GOODALL

Jane Goodall with a chimpanzee

Meet an Expert

Join the Earth Month Challenge: Discover teroGO’s innovative features with a personal call! Choose your time and date here:

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